Investing Basics

A collection of 4 posts

Apr 13, 2021

Investing Basics: ETFs and Mutual Funds

Investing Basics: ETFs and Mutual Funds

When starting out investing, there are a bazillion ways to gain exposure to the market. For investors big and small, this typically comes down to deciding between investing money in stocks, ETFs, and/

Apr 7, 2021

Investing Basics: Order Timing

Investing Basics: Order Timing

Following up on my last post about order types, I wanted to shed some light on another element that makes up an order for a security,  Order Timing. There are many different types

Apr 4, 2021

Investing Basics: Standard Order Types

Investing Basics: Standard Order Types

Many investors just starting out settle for something called a Market Order when placing a trade for a security. But what if you want to only buy a security at a certain price?